It’s 1994 All Over Again and I Don’t Feel Fine

When the baseball strike of 1994 hit I was absolutely positive it would not last.  I was a young teenager at the time and the idea of my favorite sport being taken away from me was unfathomable.  It wouldn’t happen.  It couldn’t happen. What ever collective bargaining was, it wasn’t going to take away the long standing game of baseball.  They’d been playing this game of baseball for over 100 years; the World Series had seen 93 fall classics.

I couldn’t comprehend Donald Fehr, a pale man with a terrible comb-over, talking about a salary cap.  I just wanted to watch my favorite game.  They couldn’t take it way.  They wouldn’t take it way.  On August 11th, 1994 they did.  It was incomprehensible.

When the player’s strike hit Tony Gwynn was hitting .394.  Matt Williams was on pace to break Roger Maris’ single season home run mark.

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